It's 3am and I am up, wide awake, not sure whether to finish putting yesterday to rest or starting this new one early. But since rolling over and back in my bed has only yielded several puffs of down escaping through a tiny three- corner tear in my comforter creating a little squall of floating feather-kins, I now sit aimlessly at the computer. Actually Jim is at the office computer, so I am downstairs at another one. Brrrr. One of our many family quirks is that with five adults living here, there is virtually never a time when everyone is asleep, or for that matter. when everyone is awake. Matt works in Boston 'til 4 am most nights, and Laura is up at 5 am to be at her desk at 7:30. You never have to worry about waking us with a call anytime overnight... it is the 3pm nap that is more likely to interrupt!!
My name is Linda and I have a computer habit. In defense, it has become a reliable (okay, thats an exaggeration) friend and articulate helpmate. I depend on it to tell me about what food contains the most phosphorous when Jim's count is low, or to show Drew what a wallaby looks like. (for the record, they look like a middle-aged, married Easter Bunny) My computer has helped me form new perspectives by reading articles in newspapers I would NEVER have been exposed to, shown me photos of breathtaking beauty, and permitted me to waste endless hours instant messaging people I could call on the phone in 1/10 the time. I Google, e-mail, Snopes, "Spacebook" and mine more recipes for gluten-free bread than I will ever use. And I have barely scratched the surface! My face is illuminated by the light of the computer many times a day. (What if they designed a tanning feature in the screens... all us pasty computer addicts could stop looking anemic from our strictly vicarious vacations. 'Course I would have to stop leaning my chin on my hand...)
Jim is feeling better since his Monday treatment, and even took me out to lunch yesterday. The doc wants him to bulk up on proteins, so that is our focus this week. His appetite has returned somewhat, and the free-fall weight loss has abated. But we know that could change in a heartbeat, so I try to keep up with his appetite for custard pudding. Even on the worst days, he gets some protein in that. I would love to avoid those protein shakes as long as possible. Talk about taking the joy out of living! Wonder if you can make a Sombrero with the coffee ones...
Biggest bummer for this week is that the Wellness Community of Greater Boston, the mother-lode of cancer support groups and informational classes, has been forced to close due to financial shortfall. They were trying to cobble together alternative locations when the national group rescinded their membership. So now the 1500 cancer patients and their providers who are members are without the "family" the WCGB has provided for 15 years. The ripples from the financial debacle just get wider and wider.