Friday, July 16, 2010

A Dispassionate Point of View

Conventioneers at a recent Koi meeting in Kerala, India.
In evaluating the serious responsibility of  taking on not one new pet but MANY, in the form of two dozen or so fish,  it was helpful to look for the bright side of things.  Never “needing” the companionship of an animal (though I grew up with cocker  spaniels, and we did  have a late lamented female cat who gave us two  litters in her day--before I put an end to THAT)  I decided to evaluate the  advantages of koi  (singular AND plural??) over dogs.
Koi don't shed hair  on your  clothes

They never bring in fleas.
Koi  never look guilty after munching your favorite slippers

Unlike their canine counterparts, they never drag their butts  along the carpet (euu)

Koi avoid mating with your dinner guest's leg
They also never chase cats and only rarely bite the mail  man
 Also, they don’t have dog food breath

Koi are too cool to  drool or slobber

Furthermore, they don’t expect to be  walked during an ice storm

It is practically impossible for them  to run away or chase cars
The town doesn’t require that you license fish, hence they don’t need a koi-catcher
The law doesn’t require you to follow them around with a plastic bag and  trowel

No koi has ever knocked over your favorite lamp with  their tail

They  make it a practice not to bark all day if you're not  home, nor scratch your door.

Koi don't wake you to let them out at  6am nor try to climb in bed with you.

If koi do howl at the moon,  you can’t hear them

Koi don't need tomato juice baths after an encounter with a skunk

They never jump up on small children

You don't need to bathe a koi (that’d be silly)

Koi don't sneak up on the  velvet couch when you are out.

People don’t dress koi up in  jaunty scarves or festive little seasonal sweaters.

Koi don't  eat the pumpkin pie you left cooling on the counter, only to hurl it back up on the floor.

Koi are way too zen to lick  themselves in public

and finally, even Michael Vick wouldn't dream of betting on  a koi fight.