According to reliable sources, the above quote is from Spanish or Yiddish folklore, or uttered first by Mother Teresa or Woody Allen, depending on who you ask. But with so many people claiming it, there is probably more than a morsel of truth.
So perhaps the secret is not to have too many plans that aren't firmly mounted on wheels that allow you to move left and right, fore and aft, as life blows by you. We have had some or all of our grandchildren living in our house for eight years now, (we're down to one) and I know some people think we are daft. But the best things that happen in a day, for Jim and for me, are the solemn observations of the littles. Disney and Pixar, and all the TV shows have brought the real world to kids in an amazing way, and they devour it.
Today, Kathryn (age 10) was mourning the loss of one of her two miniature guinea pigs. Not the one with only one eye, the other one. So she came here to help prepare for Thanksgiving with red, swollen eyes. Kathryn adores all animals. Drew (4) gave her a big hug, then commented in a conspiratorial tone, "Word on the street is that your guinea pig died."
Word on the street??!!! Sounds like Al Capone.
And just a few days ago, my daughter Lynn made some reference to a Wide Mouth Bull Frog,
asking Drew if he knew what one was. Without losing a step, he replied, "No, but we could go look it up on Google." Brand loyalty at its best. And the kind of recurring chuckle that wipes out hours of rough going. Jim thrives on it. Better for pain than a whole handful of pills.
Tonight we are surrounded by our family, making pies and stuffing; it is a wonderful feeling. We are blessed. May the day remind you of your many blessings as well.
I wouldn't be anywhere else, or living any other life than this one...it IS *perfect*, despite it's obvious and not-so-obvious flaws. I may forget day-to-day, but when it seems hardest to find the sunshine, I remember that it isn't always coming from the sky, but it's keeping me warm from somewhere, anyway. May the little prizes and victories keep coming.
In the meanwhile, let's just keep those aforementioned wheels lube'd-up. Looks like we may be on a SanFran-type'o'hill for a bit. ;o)
Hi Linda, I am Jim's first cousin on his father Arnie's side. The last time I saw you was at your beautiful wedding ceremony. Now living in San Francisco Bay Area the last 20 years. My son lives in West Roxbury, turns 40 at Xmas and has 2 kids. My daughter lives on Cape Cod; has 3 kids--the oldest 21. Ginny Coutinho informed me of this blog and my heart and prayers go out to you and Jim and your extended family. you sound like a wonderful humorous person and I am glad you are in Jim's life. Judy Glas
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