In short, he's home and relatively comfortable, and not in need of the oxygen at the moment, but it's there if he needs it. He can hopefully get some better R n' R in his own bed (And some O n' O, too, apparently, if needed - get it? O2? Ya know? Aw, forget it...wasn't funny. Mom will laugh...that's all that counts.) She'll update when she takes off her Florence Nightingale bonnet.
I do hope he can get some rest, as many of us have experienced the agony of in-patient life, albiet usually for shorter periods - he's been in since Christmas Day -, and as a great (frequent flier in hospitals) man once said "Why the hell do they put square wheels on everything in a hospital???"
I laughed! Thank you for the updates . . . . they are important for your distant friends.
Good! That's at least half the battle...Good to hear from you and thanks for commenting! So much more rewarding than talking to myself ;o)
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