Jim had his orbital MRI yesterday. (photo to right is NOT it.) Laura took him in and back. The "team" is still trying to track down Revlamid ... weird that bureaucracy and health warnings have made this drug so elusive. And sorry, I have the same problem with this as with other "warnings". While I understand that Thalidomide (the black sheep of the Revlamid family) causes birth defects, pregnancy is fairly low on my list of concerns, somewhere between terrorists fouling my personal Cabernet Sauvignon supply, and the threat of a heat-seeking missile homing in on my disconnected septic tank.
One can only imagine the warnings. "Do not share chemotherapy medications with others. (!) Do not allow children to play with this drug. ( As the clothespin game? Drop the Revlamid in the bottle?) " May cause drowsiness, so do not use drug while sky-diving." and the ever-popular " This drug should not be used as a flotation devise." Who thinks these things up? My personal favorite of this genre came on a propane torch labeled, "Do not use this device for drying hair." In the dark, sick recesses of my mind, a little smirk still flickers at the mental image.
My two cents... we should do far less warning and presuppose that people have a grain of common sense. And those who don't should proceed at their own risk. If, however, these warnings are merely designed by bureaucrats and liability attorneys to sustain their billable status, we should be rising up as one to tell them to KNOCK IT OFF!!!
Survival of the fittest....
*IF* you are dumb enough touse a torch to dy hair, then ou get what you get!!
Lynn, Stop taking Dad's chemo meds!! It effects your ability to type!
HA! :op
Waht od uoy neam?
Btu tehy mkae dad so sinnky!!
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