The days have slipped by again, with no news remaining good news. Jim has experienced none of the dramatic side effects that the chemo medicine could have elicited. The only problem seems to be that all food tastes terrible and even his favorite custard feels like a steel ball on his gut. An average day consists of pudding, jello with some fruit in it, and the dietary supplement, which is something he actually seems to enjoy. Gone is coffee (!) ice cream, meat, vegetables, the daily banana. We will be visiting the doctor on Tuesday for a check-in and then again, after the course of medicine for this round, is complete.
Jim rarely leaves the house, but made the effort on Sunday to attend a baseball game/birthday party for grandson Bryan. He was only there for about forty five minutes, but everyone was glad to see him. It's funny, but when you see the "patient" in one setting all the time, it becomes part of a predictable picture. However once you are in a previously familiar setting, the puzzle piece that "looks different" comes across pretty dramatically.
The great news this week is that our daughter Laura had a thyroid biopsy which came back negative on Wednesday. Our daughter, Lynn, had her thyroid removed about 10 years ago because it contained two small malignancies, so we were very concerned for Laura. The other news is that our son Matt moved out of the "west wing" and to the top floor of a brownstone in the South End, much closer to both jobs. It's a wonderful, funky neighborhood, part brownstone, part little shops and restaurants. He is really pumped about it, although getting his TV and bed up four flights of stairs took a little of the edge off. Aah well, tomorrow is a new day!
I'm off to treat Lynn to a pre-birthday celebration with my sister. Where do Girls Gone Shopping go? IKEA! It came 4 years ago and none of us has ever been. I'll lose my well-earned reputation at that rate.
You made it a wonderful birthday....even with your enormously full plate - knowing full well that I'm "fine", you spread your kindness like butter on a hot roll...
I'll never cease to be inspired by you or strive to live up to the standard that you set.
Tomorrow is the 9th...the day that the SCT should have taken place. I'm finding myself frustrated. I can't imagine yours OR Dad's that things are on hold. I'm on the edge of my seat to hear how the appt goes...
Ummm... Hello? It's now the 16th and still no blog. Are you still sleeping??
Oh! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! (I just know I'm going to forget... :o\
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