Well, we should have continued to stay away from the hospital on Wednesday, but noooo, we went in, flushed with glory and hopes to start the process of the Stem Cell Transplant. But God has other plans for us, apparently, because Jim's weight gain which was the source of so much optimism, disappeared in 2 weeks, along with an additional five pounds, bringing him down to 130 pounds. DRAT! He is experiencing some dizziness, which makes his walking unsteady, thus thwarting any attempt at walking for exercise. Oh, also the red cell blood count is down, so he needs another couple of blood transfusions to go with the ones last month, and the ones the week before that. Um.....REALLY???!!
Oh, and the SCT? Isn't happening until he gains back the weight or the burden of recovery could kill him!!! I knew we shouldn't get our hopes up!!
We keep trying to get food into him, but after 2 bites, he feels sickeningly over-full. Shouldn't have sweets; although they are rich in calories, they are bad for diabetics. How about a PBnJ sandwich, or a bowl of spaghetti? Nope, they contain gluten. It's like an evil puzzle, trying to figure this all out, made grave by the knowledge that if the weight loss continues, irrespective of the cancer, Jim could be in dire trouble.
He remains very calm... drugs will do that for you. Of course he doesn't have much choice given his energy levels. I must say that there has been more kindness and common sense in BI Boston than anywhere I have been in the last 10 years. Consistently, people just seem to take care of one another, patients, staff, medical personnel, other care-givers. Virtually no one has been less than exceptional.
The icing on the cake came this evening, Nut-job, our resident squirrel has apparently spoken so warmly of our hospitality last winter that even this early in the fall, there is the sound of many, many paws in the second floor walls. Sounds like Park Street Underground. Creeps me out entirely. Used to be just in the ceilings, but this winter is shaping up to be the landlocked version of Noah's Ark.
MIND !!!!!!!!!!
Psst. If I'm not back by Monday, toss some Dove Dark Chocolate bars down the cellar stairs. I will be the one in a fetal position, mould overtaking me, hugging my dusty, empty ceramic Aunt Jemima cookie jar someone gave me back in 1979.
P.S. Don't tell.