Wonderful news. Jim's test results came back, and the Revlamid has kicked the cancer down to where he falls within the "normal" range making him a candidate once again for a stem cell transplant. They hope to fast-track this, since there are only several weeks left in the clinical trial, so things could proceed quickly. He has also gained another five pounds in an inspired collaboration between Jim and the Burger King, which is quite the mental image if you know Jim. Ronald McDonald, eat your heart out. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of my catering business, though!
So I guess now we all need to climb aboard the believers train. The transplant could be as little as several weeks away, or if that timing can't be accommodated, further into the fall, but apparently the stars are coming into alignment. We met with Jim's oncologist this morning before the test results were know, and he was encouraging. Jim's reaction was a little like someone finding out the Pope was coming to the US: detached, calm, glad, but not what you would call giddy. Sometimes he can be inscrutable to me, a mere woman. We will be married 39 years on September 12, and I still don't understand parts of him at all.
Even now, when we are in overtime innings.
SO thrilled...can't say it enough. It ill be great to see the calendar take shape for this.
Almost unimagineable, but the best news! Keep those whoppers coming...(really...? he wouldn't eat the Sh_t when he was perfectly healthy...and now - a savior! Go figure)
Certainly will be a more positive anniversary - and we will be praying for the fast track to take shape.
Thank GOD!! This is wonderful news! Though I bet the emotional roller coaster is absolutely exhausting for you and Dad. I know I certainly don't know how much more of this I can take!!
You are such a strong and capable woman and someone who I will forever aspire to be!
Between Dad's IQ and his goals to better MANKIND (Gulp!) and your unparalleled strenghth, wit, patience, understanding, and COUNTLESS acts of selfless kindness, you have certainly left Lynn, Matt and I with ENORMOUS shoes to fill!! DO YOU REALIZE what is EXPECTED of us??? OMG!! Still, I love you both for it!
I'm so grateful...
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