Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Beard Hung In and So Did Jim!!

Merry Christmas (or facsimile thereof) to all.  Jim spent Christmas in bed, with his new stem cells incubating and doing whatever it is stem cells do on Christmas.  (Pause for a visual... snow scene, little stem cell skaters gliding in figure eights to the Skater's waltz).  Since his infusion, he has been somewhat confused, had his first infection (in the line installed to feed him everything from stem cells to platelets to meds) and gained 40 pounds of water weight.  One hand is cartoonishly huge, and the "team" is collectively scratching their heads, since when they give him a diuretic, his kidney function flags.   Need to figure that one out.  That hand is not gonna fit in a cookie jar as it is.

The great news tonight is that he is officially off the neutropenic precautions...which means his blood count is on the rise.  At a certain plateau, it is considered safe to gradually introduce "the world."  Actually, after careful observation, he may want to reconsider re-entering the world as it is.  But I guess everything is relative!  The tenacity his dad's DNA bequeathed him has been a gift to date!

For the rest of us, Christmas was in many ways like other years.  Big gathering of the clan here on Christmas Eve,  lots of kids and confusion, savories and sweets, ripped wrapping paper and scary knives required to penetrate the packaging.  (My theory is that the same people who send lead-laced painted toys and questionable foodstuffs are also responsible for wiring and sealing toys with such machiavellian flourish. Could be terrorists!)


Lynn said...

SOOO Exciting!!!!!!!!

Lynn said...

He's due to stay in until about Mid January.
It also takes about 3 months to start figuring out if the SCT "took", or how well...

Is that right, Mom??

Judy said...

Finally - still can't believe it is actually happening - he looks pretty damn good, if you ask me. Sending every possible shred of positive energy in his direction.

Laura said...

Many full grown TREES have younger roots than those that are holding that beard on!

Love it though! All of it!

Cathy said...

Wow - he looks way better than I expected... and is that a little smile I see in his eyes.....

Ted Rockwell said...


Sounds as if we're beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.

What a wonderful way to start the new year.

Good for you, Jim.

It would be nice if Linda survived too.

Blessings on you both.


Kathy Schwartz said...

So glad to hear everything went well and as expected. Seems like our families have had enough of BH and Lahey Clinics these past ten years but I thank God they are there when we need them.
Love to everyone!