Monday, November 1, 2010

We're Back!

Well, when I said I thought I could sleep for three months after that hellacious move, I wasn't kidding, now was I?   Sorry for the interruption of "A Change of Plan", but it really was a summer of alternating  between  seeking respite from the heat, pushing boxes around, looking for my alarm clock, and falling onto any horizontal surface I could unearth.  All summer, I never walked by a bed without this weird siren song luring me in.  We are talking 3-4 hours, sometimes.  And not at night!  But A Change of Plan is back and now that Jim is better,we may deviate more from just reports on his status, although that is the most important topic from where I am sitting.  Okay, from where I am lying.

Jim's cancer has gone into a substantial remission, and his numbers look very good indeed.  On October 21 we decided a trip to DC was in order, a kind of sink-or-swim situation for us both.  He was amazingly like his old self, soldiering through the air terminals, staying up (hey, I did Too)  and going out for visits with friends and family,  For several days, this lasted, until he tripped on a chair in the breakfast room and down he went, with the chair back catching him across the chest.  As he fell to the floor, his knee smashed into the chair, compounding his pain.  At first he was able to function almost normally but by Sunday night he was in a lot of pain.  He was fairly confident nothing was broken...the pain wasn't localized to one spot...but we decided driving home where he could stay in one position for comfort,  make sense. 

So up Route 95 we tooled in the rented car,  Rip VanWinkle and his missus, a pair of functioning narcoleptics in paradise. Along the New Jersey Turnpike, with its quirky little nod to history, passing the Molly Pitcher rest area, Walt Whitman,  Clara Barton... culminating with the big Kahuna, Vince Lombardi.  (They sell Nathan's french fries  there, but this time I passed on them.)  Remind me to leave instructions to my descendants that no matter the public clamor for it,  I do NOT want a highway rest room and/or  candy machine named after me.  Just sayin'.

A week post-fall Jim is just now getting downstairs for meals, and is still in great discomfort, but overall he will be fine.  The trip (in the travel sense, not the falling sense) was worthwhile, and both of us are glad we did it.

Can't close without mentioning that the Koi have been absorbed (as it were) into the family.  I actually LIKE feeding them and watching them.   I love having pets who never had unfortunate accidents I am required to clean up.   Turns out they go into a sort of hibernation and don't eat all winter, and last week, this began.   I threw them food, and instead of their regular happy-dance, they totally ignored it.  How perfect that  Jim and I  have pets that sleep 6 months at a time.     


Matt said...

Lol Only you guys!
- Welcome back!! ;o)

Lynn said...

And Happy Birthday, Dad!! And I love the are the best. (Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day, and sometimes I say that and MEAN it!)

Love you...

Laura said...

LOVE THAT YOU'RE BACK! all ways that can be taken! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!

Judy Glas Powell said...

Happy that you are back and Jim is out and about.

Ted Rockwell said...

We're all glad to see you re-entering that consensus virtual reality that we're pleased to call "the real world."

Hang in there! Some years ago Mary's family bought her a sign with her favorite version of that epigram: "In ibi pendeo" I commend it to your use.

Ted Rockwell

Susan said...

Beautifully written (as always!). So glad Jim is able to move about again. Love you all - Susan