By last night he had convinced them to let him out, so at 7p he returned home, in part so he could have the "freedom" to go into BI Boston hospital and have an appointment, to OK the return to chemo next week, as well as having marrow harvested. While there, they found 2 things that they really wanted to keep him in Boston to further investigate (a vision/optic nerve problem as well as oxygen saturation being vvveeerrryyy low). Poor guy! He just barely made it home, and had come down this morning practically skipping (ok, that's a gross exaggeration) and commented that he's not been actually pain-free like that in so long. Of course, that's not MED-free and pain free, but hell, we'll take it!!
Mom is amazing, as always. She knows, well, everything. She knows the routines and process, and details that surprise even the Dr's. Of course, the bag-boy at Roches pushing her groceries to the car is still bent over in the parking lot laughing his silly ass off, at her trying to get into someone else's car with her the groceries. (Yes, in Needham someone still walks your cart and bags TO the car, and moves them for you...AND you aren't allowed to tip them. Having grown up with that custom, I was surprised when nobody from outside-this-area knew what a "bag boy" was!) But anyway, hey, everyone deserves some cheap entertainment to keep the smile-across-the-world, no? I think it's fair to say that her attention is literally being focused 100% where it needs to be -on Dad-, and the little things, like knowing your own vehicle, are best left to the grunts...like Laura, Matt and myself. I think she just did it so we would all have a laugh....right, Mom?? That was all planned out in advance... she's so giving! (You KNOW she's going to slap me silly for telling that story, but I'm taking one for the team here!)
So, on this 12/31/08...we prepare to take 2009 by storm, sneak attack, and in a fabulous match-up-of-wills. I don't think any of us have EVER been surer of a pending challenge, but overall, I'm confident we will fight through the sucky parts, and laugh at the rest...
Happy New Year, everyone!!! Where ever you spend your New Year's Eve, don't forget to be glad for all the little things. This year we're thankful for all that is going well. The 2009 glass is half full.....Cheers!!! Just because, as the image indicates, the collective (and former) Needham-Muckerheide's should all be wearing "Contents Under Pressure" t-shirts, doesn't make it ALL bad, right? Sometimes it's just champagne, sparkly and bubbly, and sweet - and all over the floor. Now get a damned towel before UnSteady Jim comes along and slips, fer cryin'out'loud!! ;o) Crazy, I know...that's why you're still reading!!