Overcoming all predictions to the contrary, we got to the hospital yesterday for a 7 am procedure. Only no one was expecting us. (Moan silently--I hope, roll eyes when no one is looking, force a smile like this was part of the plan... "oh, no problem, we always get up at 5:45 am and drive 9 miles for a nice bracing cup of hospital coffee and an $8. parking charge") Luckily we had brought the print-out that had the appointment listed, so it was apparent we were not the delusional ones! The procedure, part of the clinical trial, has been bumped to the first of next year, and every one is 'very, very sorry.'
The good news is that next, Jim suggested going out for breakfast (when is the last time we went anywhere in public?) and then asked me to take him to work. He put in a full day, and, after a very brief rest, tackled some of the backlog of paper

and e-mail that has accumulated here at home in his "absence." Obviously he is feeling stronger, motivated and is in less pain.
OMG!! Thanks for letting us know BI!! DId they say why it was postponed?
OTOH - the rest of the entry brought tears to my eyes! I'm so thrilled to hear. Amazing how going to work takes on a whole new meaning ~ whoduh thunk it?
BI indicated it never was scheduled. Just some weirditude that happened with the resident who gave him time and date, but apparently never actually MADE the appt. Very strange. But they want to have his Dr. see him before they go forward, in any case.
Hey everyone! Sorry to hear about the dumbasses at the hospital but very glad that you all got something great from it! Love and miss you all!
How can so poignant and painful a story make laugh and cry at he same time. God pls grant me a better sense of humor or better meds! Love, Sally
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