Overall the past week has more to recommend it than not. Chemo continues, with no serious side-effects. Jim has had much better pain control, and is lucid all the time. Although he still sleeps a lot, he has periods of productivity, as he strives to bring more order in the office, which had rolled far out of the stretch of ordinary mortals.
Part of what keeps life interesting is the task of sorting through the paper morass. In addition to registering for Social Security, there is the question of Medicare vs. our current insurance, long-term disability, pensions,retirement, deferred payments and all the choices that are boring but necessary. The part that is dodgy is that you do this in semi-darkness, knowing a major toe-stub may be just a step away. ("Oh, you didn't sign up for THAT did you... oh, that consigns you to the third circle of Hell...at least until open enrollment time") Folks, sorting out this stuff places on my list of favorites right above pulling on support pantyhose on a humid day. I perfectly reek at things that have only one right answer. Give me some turning around space and I am fine. But facts, hard cold facts, are my enemy.
Meanwhile our Christmas tree has found its way to the living room where we are expecting it to somehow differentiate the climate there from the one outdoors and permit its branches to "fall". Speaking of pushing "believe" to the snapping point! (Its okay to relax... thats not really our tree. You KNOW me!)
No, her tree is still Grt Pl Av-worthy....
I was at the GPA house while she shortened the straps of a dress I needed to wear on Saturday. She, of course, had Christmas music on and was singing along to it. Let me remind anyone out there that it warmed me and made me finally "get into Christmas" this year. If she can sing along, sounding just as she has my entire life at Christmas, then I can get all Christmas-y too...she's such an inspiration with every breath.
I can't imagine the maze of bureaucracy and overload of info to be absorbed, I imagine I will find out soon myself. Once again, you will have paved the way for me big sister. What a difference it made to have all the doctors in the same place at the same time last week.
It certainly won't be the first time you have inspired to rustle up the 'ho-ho-ho' in all of us! This year it really WILL be all about what Christmas really should be.
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