Friday, March 27, 2009

He's Baaaaaaaaaack.....

Hi kids! I just returned from picking Dad up at BI in Boston around 6:30p. He's home, fairly comfortable and has undergone a wild variety of testing, all indicating that "Of all the things we would typically be worried about here, and we've tested you for, you're clear." His new laptop came today, and when I left the house, he was getting acquainted with a new laptop which will hopefully keep him entertained and more comfortable than having to sit in the office chair to be online. Will be nice to be able to move to wherever he is comfortable.

The next major appointment will be on Tuesday, when there will be some discussion as to when the Autologous Stem Cell Transplant will be for Dad...could be essentially right away, unless they determine that one more round (his 8th) would be beneficial in terms of a starting point for the transplant. If he has plateaued, they will move on to the transplant.

Either Mom or I will try to post more on's kind of nice to be waiting FOR something...instead of just waiting!!! Have a great weekend! Hope it's a SMOOTH RIDE!!!

For more on the unmitigated disaster of last weekend, click
here. It's long and winding...consider yourself forewarned!


Judy said...

Oh - that's wonderful news! I'm so glad he is home, and with a new toy no less! There aren't words to say how glad I am that he is more comfortable - he was in so much pain. Thanks for keeping us up to date - it really matters!! The prayers continue .........

Lynn said...

Thanks Jude! Keep 'em coming! No doubt, faith is keeping us ALL afloat!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

The prayers continue for Jim, Linda and all of you. Keep up the laughter, allow yourselves a little bit of "me" time.

A hug for each of you whenever you need it. - just sit back and imagine it.