Okay... not much happy talk today... Jim has been home all weekend with bronchitis which causes a ghastly crackling sound each time he inhales, like someone dancing on bags of potato chips. He is frail, unsteady-- the fall and subsequent hospitalizations were such a set back! He hasn't been downstairs all weekend, taking what little food he ingests in bed. Now, as part of his release, they are sending someone to analyze the "safety issues" in my house. I need a "helpful" stranger (to whom I should be civil) here pointing out the obvious like I need a positive pregnancy test. Maybe some of the cartons he has filled with recyclable trade magazines should be moved. Really?!! Perhaps Drew shouldn't leave the step stool in front of the john. THANK you. I'm sure this is a godsend to people with dementia, but we don't have loose railings, nor does he share an upper bunk with a tarantula. DUH! And he didn't trip when he fell, he passed out from low blood sugar!!! Not anyone's fault, but my clenched jaw is starting to mock my permanent smile. Someone's gonna get hurt. I can feel it!
I am angry that they sent him home in this condition. I am frustrated at the road blocks that just seem to fall out of the sky like acorns. I am impatient with the stupid paper work that just keeps on coming...bills for stuff we have already paid, and phone calls that take big blocks of time, just to untangle the misunderstandings compounded by an ESL alum. I'm weary of trying to be "Our Lady of Infinite Patience" (which does not come naturally to me!!!) when all I want to do is smash something and not have to clean it up.
Well, all these months, you have heard the "best" take on this miserable situation. This is a rough patch, but tomorrow will be another day. We have an appointment to see his doctor for the next round of chemotherapy. Hopefully the Revlamid (a new drug they are adding) will be here. It was ordered three weeks ago but is so toxic nobody seems to keep a supply. All kinds of cautions and disclaimers, etc. Can hardly wait. Jim too!
With luck, then it's off to the wake/funeral for Drew's grampa. We buried Lynn's grandfather- in-law less than a week ago. Know anywhere to buy sympathy cards by the box?
Uh oh, does anybody else feel the railroad tracks may be rattling apart with this one?? She's still quite the writer... and she has every right to have all of the updates she writes to this blog be riddled with negativity! But no, this is just a blip on the radar. She is still the strongest woman I know and the very women I admire MOST in this crazy world! It's a privilage to simply know her, let alone be taught by her daily!!
Well said Laura! Ditto!
I feel pressure to have the right thing to say in one of your rare moments of meltdown, for which you are long over due.....and yet, I can only think of this....
"...Here!! Here, Take A Whack At Weezer...You just missed the opportunity of a lifetime! Half of Chiqapin Parish would give thier eye-teeth to take a whack at'er!..."
(Psst, hey Laura, step up and take one for the team, ok?? I'll hide over here...in a doorway or in the bathtub or under a desk or something...)
Name That Movie!!
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