Now that snow seems to be less of a consideration, here is an update on the flora and fauna attracted to our home. Our pet squirrel, Nutjob, is still in residence, no doubt preparing a furry nursery for a whole six-pack of little nutjobs. Yes, an exterminator is on my short list.
Mid-morning yesterday, I spotted a fairly large black and white creature grocery shopping in the driveway between Laura's car and my own. Safe in the window above, I had chance to see what a truly beautiful creature she was... shaped like a mongoose if that's any help. (I didn't think so) Political correctness has compromised my mind sufficiently that I thought if I didn't call it a skunk, it might not be one. Her tail was lustrous and snowy, trailing out behind her like a boa on Mae West, not at all the cartoonish boxy body and vertical tail of Bambi's bud. This gal looked like a groomed and pampered Paris Hilton pet.
Aaahhh, if things were always as they seemed. Then it might be under HER porch.
Note to self : ummmm.....
Jim is sleeping a great deal, and that means pain management is going pretty well. Lynn took his chin stitches out yesterday without incident. His chemo has pretty much stopped lowering his protein count, so they will be adding Revlamid, to jump start the descent. Looks like it will be another month, at least, before we get the date for the SCT. Disappointing in a way, but it is to assure he has the least possible cancer cells in his body.
After his tumble two weeks ago, I really don't feel comfortable leaving him alone in the house for much time, and only if I am going somewhere local. Hopefully once he has his stem cell transplant, and has a little time to recover, things will go more smoothly. Meanwhile, I am not minding becoming something of a homebody for a while now. There is always something to do here!
Thanks for your e-mails, notes and cards. They remind us we are surrounded by love and prayers.
With it raining as it is, and between the sign from God of what lives in your yard and in mine, I think we probably should be building an ark in our spare time.....
Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha HYsTerIcAL!! Spare time....I kill me.
Both of my brothers dreampt that there would be biblical floods. I only dreampt that Lynn was pregnant. Looking forward to that flood........
Well, it is raining really hard today.....and we're building an ark...but a new baby would be super fun....and Mom had a dream I was having a girl...
Just the damned "free time" problem again...
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