Just as the first purple crocuses are peeking up, and the occasional drift of daffodils lifts the spirit, we celebrate Jim's new stem cells' Hundred Day anniversary. Yesterday, on the actual day, we visited the doctor who had only good news. The cancer has retreated to only 6% of the cells in his marrow. Although this is short of full remission (which is rare), this rates a B+/A- for grading partial remisions. He has also put on 5 pounds, mostly from eating bags of junkfood, celiac style. I suspect his sodium load is astronomical, but I can't argue with the fact that he is retaining some weight (sodium+ water retention? Who knows! Sometimes I over-think stuff) He is getting/eating good meals too, and his absorbtion of nutrients is also good, by one of those measures or another.
What's the outlook? Well, he is still perfectly exhausted 24-7. The trip to the hospital wipes him out, although I must add that he has abandoned the walker, and forgot his cane, and still did well on the long trek from the car yesterday. His recovery is so slow because he has been incapacitated for so long. Your body needs to fight gravity to keep in shape, and being horizontal saps your muscles rapidly. And for Jim it has been about 3 years since he was active (even when active means sitting at the computer!!) So his return to anything resembling a normal life is going to take quite a while longer. The pain meds he is on slow his brain, in general. He still has no interest in reading, writing, TV nor music. He genuinely sleeps that much. Once the warm weather is here, I plan to get a chair and lounge in place, then boot him outside so he can breathe fresh air and restore his Vitamin D, so the calcium his bones need can be restored. His bones are so soft the doctor said when he inserted the needle into his vertebrae to retrieve the bone marrow biopsy it felt no different than penetrating his flesh. Eeuuuu!!
He also officially parted company with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, retiring officially this month... a little anticlimactic having been away for the past 15 months. He was there over 17 years, in an undergrown bunker. Explains a lot.
The house will be going on multiple listing service shortly, which will be a drag, what with Rip Van Winkle in his beddy and our resident 5 year old always willing to requisition the cover of my Wok for a shield, and a huge wooden spoon for his sword. Some hateful psychopath at the Lego company created a 1000 piece set of legos that fit in the palm of your hand, and we own part of a set. Three of them can lodge in the same crack in your foot with great ease. (for them, not for you) My Electrolux, driven somewhat maniacally, by yours truly, gobbles them up like peanuts on a Margarita bar.
And frankly, there has been a certain, shall we say, relaxation of the finer details of spring and fall cleaning since Jim's MM fell out of the sky, four cleaning seasons ago. Translation: you can write in the flat planes of the wood moldings in any room in the house. So it will be an exercize in humility (God's idea of "sleeping in on Saturday" is implementing ways of keeping me humble) that I will try (in vain) to bring the house up to realtors standards, yet again honing my soul for beatification. Be advised, though: I draw the line at hair shirts. Too many of them make me look fat.
My imagination is cruising the Aegean this Spring. Vicarious travel surpasses actual travel because you 1) don't need a passport, 2) don't need to take your shoes off to get through security and 3) the currency there is even more unstable than the currency here. I do put some clothes in a suitcase for my cyber travel, since I can put in things that no longer fit... string bikinis and little halter sundresses... because I am not going to wear them anyway. Go ahead, call me "tapped". Sure beats Spring Cleaning!
Lol - you're too much!
You DO rock...and I LOVE a little spanking of Good News to help snap me into Spring, despite what the window sill thermometer indicates.
Very funny....always.
Ummm... OK! You're tapped!
Luv it though! MUAH!! !o*
Awesome news on Jim and humor is part of you as well as sanity!!!
Hi, Linda! The fact that you can still grin a little is the best news of all! And the good news on Jim is on stuff that really matters, and the bad news is all about dust, and silly little things like that.
And you're heading into SPRING, not winter.
Hang in there, kid; there IS light at the end of the long, long tunnel!
100 days! damn ~ long overdue quantifiable good news. I wish someone would woohoo for MY weight gain. Let's hope the B+/A- and the crocuses are just the beginning of sunnier days ahead for all of us :)
It Has Come.
The day we've all been praying for has finally arrived. I am SOOO glad he is on the upside of this struggle. It has been so long for the Doctors to get their heads & asses wired in proper sequence, & do Jim some good. They all may live now.
If there is anything you need PLEASE let me know. I can dust etc. as I used to take care of the Funeral Home.
If nothing else I can always go pick up that second floor watch dog you used to have !!! :>)
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