Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sometimes ya Gotta Fake It.

Today, Jim's Physical Therapy begins, and who have they nominated to hold shut his johnnie as we sprint (think Tim Conway) up and down the halls of the Stem Cell Unit?    Moi!  Obviously it is a position of great prestige, requiring a certificate (marriage will do) and the ability to shout "I need some help here, someone...."  in the several languages spoken on the 7th floor of Feldberg.  I knew this would be coming, as I have seen suspicious bald people inching up and down the halls, accompanied by a significant other and an IV pole.  

I will lather on my best smile, conjure up the enthusiasm I usually reserve for Hand Painted macaroni necklaces, (for ME?!!! oh, how beautiful,... I will wear it always under my bathrobe) and remember gratitude and how we are building to a better future.  Do I really  have to enjoy it, or may I fake it?  


Unknown said...

HAHAHA! You mean that tone is FAKE!?! Wow... my whole childhood was a lie, wasn't it!?

Mom said...

yes, Virginia, I wss faking the whole time. I hate ziti, especially when the pasta is raw and the red sauce is not-quite-dry cherry red tempera. I have other secrets as well...

Lynn said...

I suppose you're going to tell us now that our kittens really didn't go to a farm...

Don't tell.....DON'T TELL! I'm not sure I can handle any more!
