Thursday, November 20, 2008

And Now, a Word from Our Sponsors...

Understand, please, that we mean no disrespect to Jim or his illness by inserting some levity to this otherwise daunting situation.  Early on, we made a conscious decision to work to keep some perspective on the real world, the one outside this terrible disease,  the one where people interact and suffer the insanity, and then emerge  intact.  That is our hope for everyone who comes here; to emerge intact.

We are far from the only ones with problems.  Each reader of this blog can tell you a story from their life that would break your  heart... catastrophic events that nearly felled them.  So,  if you come here to check on Jim, and it makes you sad, or worried,  we consider it a responsibility  and an honor to give you a chance to break even.  If  an ironic story makes you smile, it brightens the day for us, too.  For over 40 years, Jim and I have alternated taking turns being "George and Gracie."  It is the soil we raised our kids in, and it keeps us all from taking ourselves too seriously.

Thanks for understanding.

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