Sunday, November 23, 2008

The digest version of the last 24 hrs...I defer to the pro, tho...

Dad was released last night, but spent a fair amount of the night very uncomfortable. He returned, on schedule, to the hospital early in the AM for his radiation treatment, which is being used locally to treat only the rib-area and promote healing in that spot. Unfortunately, he has a new area of ribcage that began aching.

Anyway, he's home and as I understand it, today was a more normal day from the pain-aspect. Let's hope that continues...Like Mom said, we're seeing more of the "old Jim again".....

There is a contest going on to see who has the most effective solution for squirrell-catchin' at Mom's house. There's also a prize for most creative assault/attack/trap/weapon. Well, heck, let's make a WANTED poster for the flippin' thing and open it up to the free world. Ya know, in some places they eat those things...I can't even get my kids to choke down a brown sugar glazed carrott - never mind a rodent in need of Ritalin. Of course,what I just did on the grill to the Thai Ginger chicken that marinated all afternoon....well, let's just say it's unrecognizable as food.

P.S. Anyone who suggests some O'Bama-esque notion of putting on squirrell-like-ears, going out onto the flat roof and trying to sing woodland creature songs to this Squatter-In-The-Eaves and peacefully asking him to move somewhere else will assume the wrath-of-me. The goal is to leave a mark on the freakish thing, as big as my perpetual irritation. ;o)


Anonymous said...


Go to the hardware store and buy a squirrel trap (or rent one at Taylor's). Put a piece of bread with peanut butter on it in the trap and wait. The squirrel will respond. Then take the trap, squirrel and all, across the river and release the squirrel. I am told if the squirrel is released across a river, he cannot or will not return. Years ago, I became an expert...but often wondered if the squirrel didn;t really fiond his way back to Green St!


Kathy Schwartz said...

What's another mouth to feed anyway? :-)